Before purchasing any used gear, it is important to note that Lavry Engineering is not responsible for the condition of used gear which has been resold. While used gear may be sent to the factory for repair if it is damaged or malfunctioning, some units are ineligible for repair, some cannot be repaired due to discontinued parts, and some units require costly upgrades to make repairs possible.
Therefore, we recommend that you contact technical support or call us at 360-881-0540 to inquire about the history of any used gear before deciding to purchase. To give history we will require you to provide serial number of the chassis. For history of LavryBlue units we will also require serial numbers for each module in the chassis.
Conditions of Repair Ineligibility
Irreparable Unit Types
Please be advised that we can no longer repair the following products are discontinued and parts are unavailable to repair them:
Units Which Require Upgrades to Repair
Please be advised that the following discontinued product requires an upgrade and/or may need a new motherboard.